
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

From Atoms to Lasers: the Future of Energy Sources

As the world has moved through the ages, it has developed better and better sources of energy to fuel its progressive needs. First man had fire, then water, hot water (steam), coal, oil, and so on and so forth. Then you come to WWII and Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, the genius that provided the world with energy through the itsy bitsy atom. Now, welcome to the 21st century. We have lasers. Many believe that lasers will provide the trigger for controlled fusion. Fusion is the friend the world has long waited for to provide seemingly endless energy. And now we are closer than ever to getting it.
Green Fusion
from LightsMakerStudios

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November Reflections:Peer Review: Becoming Sarah

By no extent do I consider myself an expert in the field of blogging but as per our midterm reflections assignment I will do my best to not be overly...well...anything. I was asked to review Sarah Wills' blog.