
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Folk Knowledge = Guac!

Also during our first day of Civilizations class we were asked to share an anecdote of folk knowledge.

Some knowledge my folks gave me is the super duper secret guacamole recipe that my mother taught to me.

From FotoosVanRobin on Flickr.

Back in the Game

Tuesday began with the class I am most excited for this summer, Reinventing Knowledge!

I know you're excited too! I am going to reinvent everything you thought you knew so you can spend the next 22 years relearning everything! See? Now you really ARE excited.

Ok, ok the really subject for our class is medium revolutions. Medium revo--what? Medium revolutions: How the form of knowledge changes the knowledge itself. From folk knowledge to oral knowledge to written knowledge to print knowledge. I would add pixel knowledge, because I tend to think of print knowledge as a book, but you are gaining knowledge, or reducing your ignorance, right now through the pixels of what ever screen your reading from!