
Friday, October 14, 2011

Cooking: Enchiladas

So I haven't had much to say on here for a while. That mostly has to do with a lack of self-directed learning on my part. So I've decided to direct some of my learning towards a productive skill, cooking. For the first round I've made enchiladas. (White enchiladas for the white people.)
Ingredients gathered in anticipation. 

I was so hungry I forgot to take a pic of the pan just out of the oven.  ;)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Folk Knowledge = Guac!

Also during our first day of Civilizations class we were asked to share an anecdote of folk knowledge.

Some knowledge my folks gave me is the super duper secret guacamole recipe that my mother taught to me.

From FotoosVanRobin on Flickr.

Back in the Game

Tuesday began with the class I am most excited for this summer, Reinventing Knowledge!

I know you're excited too! I am going to reinvent everything you thought you knew so you can spend the next 22 years relearning everything! See? Now you really ARE excited.

Ok, ok the really subject for our class is medium revolutions. Medium revo--what? Medium revolutions: How the form of knowledge changes the knowledge itself. From folk knowledge to oral knowledge to written knowledge to print knowledge. I would add pixel knowledge, because I tend to think of print knowledge as a book, but you are gaining knowledge, or reducing your ignorance, right now through the pixels of what ever screen your reading from!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Learnin'

After a successful year in school, and a couple weeks break for summer, I'm back on for learning. Turns out a person can learn during summer. mind = blown

For the summer you all will get to read about the books I read for a book club, and how my ear hinders me as I try to learn the guitar. I may also take recipe ideas to try out this coming year as I experiment with cooking all of my own meals. Those will probably end up on Whine and Cheese as Call Me turns to Digiciv learning.

Let's start with the last book I read, Still Alice .

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Social Game

Early Winter term I posted about my excitement for the upcoming term. I titled the post, The Education I Pay For. One of the comments left on that post talked about a game. Since that time I have taken to playing that game off and on. However, what I've observed maybe slightly skewed seeing as most of my classes fall under the science/engineering heading. I also never actually sat in the back of a class, except Calculus lab and Book of Mormon, so I don't know how well I've gotten the full picture.

Just Another New Beginning...

I tend to have a "glass half full" look at the world, and so as I approach two ends in my life, freshman year and legal childhood, I choose to look at them not as ends but as new beginnings.

I do not necessarily look at this time in my life as a chance to start over but rather as a chance to build another level of the person that I am becoming, on top of the person that I was.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Details of the Big Picture

Fact: We learn something new everyday. Learning comes as a by-product of living life. Today I had the blessing of learning just a little bit more about happiness. Today's happiness came from sources I like to call the details of the big picture. Frequently the small and simple details of life give momentary cause for happiness. Although the idea of not dwelling on the details has merit, occasionally we just need the little nudges to bounce us through the day. 
Santa Fe Plaza - Aug 2008 - 17
Happiness by Ed Yourdon

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pride Pits Man

Recently while reading President Benson’s talk on pride, one of his statements struck me.

Pride is competitive in nature... We are tempted daily to elevate ourselves above others and diminish them. (See Hel. 6:17;D&C 58:41.)The proud make every man their adversary by pitting their intellects, opinions, works, wealth, talents, or any other worldly measuring device against others. In the words of C. S. Lewis: “Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man. … It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition has gone, pride has gone.” (Mere Christianity,New York: Macmillan, 1952, pp. 109–10.)”

President Benson then goes on to talk about the destructive nature of pride and competition. Sit back and think to yourself when was the last time that everyone was completely satisfied with the outcome of a competition.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


At about a quarter of the way into this semester it has suddenly become testing season. I've taken 3 tests out of 5 classes that I will eventually take tests in. All I really have to say on this subject is that I loathe tests, taking them, and the testing center. If you choose to stop reading now, I forgive you, the rest of this is mostly just me ranting, and not the sort of rant that will end up in the Daily Universe.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What I do

For those of you who think that I need a hobby, I'd like to announce that I've found one. Creating blogs, writing posts, and generally causing havoc in the Daily Universe's sports department. As some would say you have to do what you are good at, right? 

Soemthing else I'm good at is listening to people when they speak. So this is what I've been listening to recently, the first comment on my post on Thursday at 8:05, and so this is what I've done.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DU's Defense

The following is the email the sports editor for the Daily Universe sent in defense of the paper:

Dear Erin Hamson,

Thank you for reading The Daily Universe and for responding. It's always great to know we have readers out there who pay attention to what we're doing.

First, I want you to know right away that we at The Daily Universe have no intention of discriminating against women or treating them unfairly. But I think where your argument might be a little misguided is that you're taking a stand for women's rights, when really this is an issue about sports journalism and not sexism.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thursday is now Tuesday

Apparently to The Universe Thursday is now Tuesday. Don't ask me why this is, it just is.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Turf Wars

First all I have to say is that really there is a perfectly logical explanation for the bits of turf stuck to my sweater.

Ok now I can tell the story of what started out as a pretty great day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Education I Pay For...

I now have one semester under my belt and, according to the great US system, am a sophomore in college. But some how I don't feel like it. Perhaps one of the greatest factors is my physics class. The student body reminds me of my High School Freshman Biology class. Or maybe simply every high school freshman class since the beginning of time...