
Saturday, April 19, 2014

The One with Thoughts from a Pearl...choices...

Scripture: Moses 4:3

Probably the longest lasting war is over the right for people to choose. The first recorded battle occurred a long, long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away…) when a parent gave his children the freedom to choose and a third of them turned their back on the advice of their parents, choosing what they wanted, probably despite knowing the permanence of that choice. Ever since then children have been disappointing their parents, making choices they know their parents won’t approve of all in the name of “figuring out who they are”.

Mormonad from
Accordingly, parents have attempted to restrict their children’s choices until the only choice is the one their parent sees as the best, or “right” one. In all of our battling however, between kids doing what they want and parents trying to coerce them into becoming a certain kind of person, we sometimes forget the most important message of that first battle, “we each have the God given right to choose”. In that first battle God decided to let a full third of his children walk away to eternal damnation because to force them to stay, or to give into the plan they wanted so that they would willingly stay, would involve taking away agency, or the right to choose, from part or all of his children.
So that’s how important all of your choices are. God let a full third of his children walk away from the chance of ever living with him, so that you could have the right and ability to choose between that blue or red shirt, this major or that, eternal salvation or eternal damnation. Ok, so maybe all of your choices don’t carry quite the same amount of weight, but many of them should probably carry more than we give them. These are the choices that we make every day to follow the straight and narrow path to the utmost of our ability, to do everything we can to become the person we want to be, or to not. I’m not saying be perfect I am saying be conscious of trying.

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