
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Paper Topic

Professor Burton pointed out the other day that it might be helpful to know what the topic/ background was for the essay so that comments could be more helpful. So here it is, the piece is for American Heritage and the prompt is as follows: " Write an essay in which you argue for a connection between the economic system and the political system. How are the two systems connected? How does one support the other? If one is not healthy, can the other still survive? What do citizens need to know about economics and about politics for them to be able to participate fully and intelligently in civic affairs?"

Here is the link for my latest edition:

Prof: Zappala: I don't address China in the paper because I at least still consider it an experiment in trying to have both a socialist government and a free market economy. There are some who believe that China will eventually become democratic, but it may not.
Also, I am trying to keep coerce in the conclusion because I see it as forcing the type of happiness that we sometimes don't always see as happiness, as in temporary happiness vs. eternal happiness.

Additionally, I am turning this particular paper in on Friday the 29th of October, however there will be more to follow! (at least one and possibly two if I feel like being my overachieving self =))

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