
Friday, November 12, 2010

Self-Directed Learning: a whole different story

Let's clear this up right at the beginning. As far as the Consume, Create, Connect labs will take me in learning I think that I have sufficiently filled that aspect in this past month, completing several of the Digital Literacy Labs. It is that tiny, but very important other part, the part that basically changes the rest of my learning on the internet, the self-directed learning towards things that actually interest me.

learning to ride a bike - _MG_2928by sean

Like this kid learning to ride a bike my self-directed learning has used "training wheels" of its own.

Most kids, including me, did not simply hop on a bike and automatically know how to balance perfectly and pedal back and forth, the usual first step is training wheels. I feel that in my case of self-directed learning the first step was the Diigo bookmarking site. Diigo has allowed me to view many more pages in my time, and save those that look interesting but not relevant for later, as well as make notes on what I was thinking about when I first looked at a page.

The next step for me from simply adding my own bookmarks to Diigo, was looking at what other's had posted there. Not only does looking at other posts offer insight into what interests them, but as they write their thoughts in the page in sticky notes, you can see what they are thinking as they read the same article that you did.

From this point, which I believe I am at, is the leap all the way into actively researching things that interest me directly, and from more sources than websites. For example, I would like to more frequently find and refer to other blog posts, inside and outside of this class, as I was able to in this post on economics. Another source I would like to make better use of is MIT's Open Course ware website. One example of when I was able to do this was in this post on evolution.

So I suppose that overall I have been fairly successful, and yet continue to harbor suspicious doubts of failing. I also suppose that this is something of a normal feeling, for me at least. But all it means is that I'm not done learning yet. =D

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